Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Make Internet Explorer 7 Faster and Faster

You can make IE 7 / 6 faster then before with increase the amount of connection per server. With do this will make a additional bandwith and will improve the perfomance.

So this the trick :

  1. Click Start --> Run --> Type Regedit --> then OK
  2. Then Go to this addres HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings
  3. then look for on the right side the vallues called "MaxConnetionsPerServer" and "MaxConnetionsPer1_0Server"
  4. If there are not, right click on the right side panel , New --> DWORD Value with the name "MaxConnetionsPerServer" and "MaxConnetionsPer1_0Server" then assign number " 6" in value data in both
  5. The Click OK and Restart your computer to take the change effect
I hope this tips usefull for you all